I.Q. Rock
This is a simple project that even as a kid I used to make money at. It makes a great practical joke and quite entertaining.
For this project you will need:
- A rock (preferably flat )or other object that has four sides.
- Paint (The color you choose is up to you. I chose black and white because it's easy to read. Also use an exterior paint if you plan to leave these outside.)
- A wide paintbrush to cover large surfaces (a half inch or one inch brush will do.)
- A fine paintbrush with a good point to do your lettering
- old newspapers to work on. ( I use baking cooling racks over a large aluminum pan. These can be had at dollar stores or keep a lookout at yard sales.)
Okay once you have your rock and your paint give your object (rock) a good coat of paint on all sides. This may require you to paint one side at a time and letting each coat of paint dry thoroughly. Once you have a nice background for your lettering your ready to start putting your words on your stone. On the top write the words turn-over and on the opposite side (bottom) write turn-over.
Once your work is completely dry it is ready to place in an inconspicuous but noticeable place. Such as a rock garden or someone's desk and then sit back and watch the fun. Most people will pick up the rock and read it, turn it over several times before realizing it's a joke.
At craft shows I uses to get 25 or 50 cents but later I learned I could get as much as $5 if I put the rock in a gift box with a joke book or printed a rating sticker on the inside lid.
The rating sticker went something like this. "Turn me once your I.Q. is good turn me twice you're not looking so good, turn me thrice and you need to go back to school, turn me a fourth time and there is no hope for you." So have fun making your IQ rocks and remember to check out http://www.nevadacrafter.com/
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